‘We’ve put every possible career in the US, right in the palms of Gen-Z. Visualized as a galaxy of jobs, we want to inspire them to shoot for the stars.’
The background
ASA wanted to help middle and high school students better prepare for their futures. So we created a mobile-first experience that introduced them to education and career possibilities they never knew existed, all tailored specifically to their own interests.

The execution
Futurescape is a mobile-first experience that helps teenagers explore jobs based on their personalities and discover what they’re passionate about. The experience—which is completely free—is based on the RIASEC Test, aka the Holland Code, a career quiz that helps you find the vocation best suited to your interests. The quiz yields six results: conventional (data-driven careers), realistic (scientific careers), investigative (analytic careers), artistic (creative careers), social (teaching careers), or enterprising (influential careers).
The quiz result is just the beginning. Futurescape takes the experience a step further by showing you real-life examples of possible jobs and careers. When you select a job, you can read its description, typical education route, necessary certifications, pay range, related jobs, and more. The truly impressive part is that Futurescape, which is powered by real-time insights, will continue to learn and grow as more people use it (and learn and grow themselves).

This was not an easy project for our team to develop; there was a ton of data to
compile, package, and design. But seeing the beautifully crafted end result was worth the time it took to get there. The final result is a fun personality test that doesn’t feel like a personality test at all, which is a testament to the seamless design and user experience.

The results
It’s powerful to know that we introduced the next generation of students and workers to futures and career possibilities they never knew existed. We’re proud to have created an educational tool that lets young people explore career paths on their own terms and remind them their futures are wide open.

Conception Creative Director
Release Date