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I have seen the future of Hollywood and it’s from Poland.

Ernie Schenck

Sufferrosa, is an online interactive film written and directed by The Kissinger Twins. What happens in the film depends entirely on the viewer’s choice. Sufferrosa combining video, animation, literature, music with the web is considered as one of the biggest interactive films ever made.

Sufferrosa consists of 110 scenes, 3 alternative endings, 20 locations. There are 25 actors performing, including Beata Tyszkiewicz and Ryszard Ronczewski, the legends of Polish film industry.

Thematically, Sufferrosa is a neo-noir thriller and satire of the cult of beauty and youth.
The story follows detective Ivan Johnson, who is looking for a missing woman, Rosa von Braun.
His investigation leads him to Professor Carlos von Braun, who works on Reujvenation treatments for women.

Von Brauns orders Johnson to be drugged and taken to his clinic located on tropical Miranda Island. A few days later Johnson wakes up in a cell. From that point progress of the story is in the viewer’s hands. Now, the viewer becomes a detective. His aim is to find Rosa von Braun and escape from the clinic.

Sufferrosa is Stuttgarter Film Winter – Audience Award Winner and the Webby Awards Finalist.

It is one of the first interactive films regularly presented at film festivals worldwide, including: onedotzero London, OFFF Barcelona, Vancouver International Film Festiva, Edmonton International Film Festival, Ambulante International Film Festival, Festival du Nouveau Cinema Montreal, Geneva International Film Festival, Fasntasporto International Film Festival, Festival International CulturaDigital Brasil, WRO Media Biennale, Kerry Film Festival, Noise Pop Festival, Reykjavik International Film Festival, Toffi International Film Festival

Sufferrosa is a homage to Jean-Luc Godard’s movie Alphaville, American film noir, W.J.Has’s cult-movie The Manuscript Found in Saragossa and the French writer Vernon Sullivan.

Cutting-edge interactive detective noir Sufferrosa, in which the audience decides where the film goes

The Guardian
